Tag: foodtalk

Talking food, food and more food on today’s show. Special Guests include Sal Lupoli of Sal’s Pizza and the new 34 Park. Plus, the Mad Fisherman – Charlie Moore and the South Street Diner. #diner #charliemoore #madfishermen #salspizza
August 11, 2020 – Fall Foliage Dining

It’s peak week up North and it’s time to plan your visit. On today’s show, we talk about the best places to stay, fall activities, and places to dine. Plus, Café Lafayette Dinner Train. In addition, your phone calls on places you are going out to eat. Do you free comfortable dining inside? Outside? Takeout? Let us know it will help the restaurant community.
#fallfoliage #stay #dining #foodie #foodtalk #lodging #travel