Welcome to Wicked Bites Radio. Today we are talking about St. Patrick’s Day and places that opening for the season. Plus, your phone calls.
Wicked Bites RADIO – March 14, 2021

Welcome to Wicked Bites Radio. Today we are talking about St. Patrick’s Day and places that opening for the season. Plus, your phone calls.
Talking food, food and more food on today’s show. Special Guests include Sal Lupoli of Sal’s Pizza and the new 34 Park. Plus, the Mad Fisherman – Charlie Moore and the South Street Diner. #diner #charliemoore #madfishermen #salspizza
Wicked Bites Radio looks back at some of our favorite interviews over the past couple of months. Keep supporting your local restaurants. #support #supportsmallbusinesses
Welcome to Wicked Bites Radio we are here helping out the restaurant community. Call-in and let us know your favorite places.
Guest Today include Fox and Hound and Teresa’s Prime.
Today’s show is dedicated to the restaurants that opened up during the year of COVID. Talk about a tough time to start. Plus, we will take your calls on restaurants that deserve a shout out… they need your help so call in (OR COMMENT) for your chance to win dinner gift cards.
Schedule guests: Carol’s of Wakefield, Elliott’s Kabob and Grill, Ellie’s Farmhouse, Caffe’ Ducali, Perfectly Flavah’d Café, Treasury Indian and Greek, Raven’s Grille.
#covid #restaurant #help #advice #recommendations #talkshow #food #foodies #reviews
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On today’s show we are looking for the best deli in the world. Call-in about help us out 888-434-6464. Guests include Barry’s Village Deli and Moody’s Deli.
#deli #sandwich #local #eatery #food #restaurant #foodie
Wicked Bites RADIO Sunday, September 20, 2020.
Action-packed three hours of deliciousness. Scheduled to appear on today’s show Merrimack Valley Eats, Border Brewery and BBQ, Duffy’s Diner, The Office Lounge, Niko’s Bar and Grill, Tommy Doyle’s, Johnny Pizzi from Giggle’s, and Emerald Green Services.
Wicked Bites RADIO Sunday, September 13, 2020. It’s all about pizza and wings! Where’s your go-to place? Let us know! The call-in number 888-434-6464.
#pizza #wings #football #takeout #foodie #foodtalk #radio #talkradio
August 2, 2020 – Looking at the best waterfront dining in New England. Great seafood, summer breeze what could be finer?