Open lines for you to call in about your favorite restauants. Plus – the folks from Lynn Eats, New England Steak Seafood, Fenway Johnnie’s and Mad Hatter.

Open lines for you to call in about your favorite restauants. Plus – the folks from Lynn Eats, New England Steak Seafood, Fenway Johnnie’s and Mad Hatter.
We are looking for your favorite Italian restaurants on today’s show we plenty of great prizes to give-a-way to some of our callers. What’s your favorite place? Call-in and let us know – 888-434-6464.
Huge announcement on the future of Wicked Bites TV coming up on today’s show. Plus – if you won the lottery what restaurant would you bring back?
It’s time to support your local restaurants! On today’s show – we take your calls…. where was the last restaurant you went out to eat? Call-in and let us know!!!
Restaurant interviews selected by our listeners. Please your calls. Guest include Flip the Bird and Steve’s Pinehurst Tavern.
We have open phone lines for you to call. Simple question – if you received a holiday gift card to a restaurant which place would be the top on your list? And, you could win for dinner calling in 888-434-6464.
#holiday #christmas #dining #restaurant #supportsmallbusinesses