Wicked Bites RADIO Sunday, August 30, 2020. On today’s we are looking for the world’s best burgers – post your favorites plus we talk seafood with Summer Shack restaurants. In addition, Modern Butcher in Newburyport, Wood Stock Inn Brewery and the folks from the Feast of St. Anthony’s – this would have been 101th in the North End. #boston #butcher #summer #seafood #brewery #inn #mohegansun
Summer Shack – Boston, Cambridge and Mohegan Sun
At Jasper White’s Summer Shack, rustic dishes like Jasper’s famous Pan Roasted Lobster, steamed crabs, fish cakes, clambakes, fried chicken, and burgers are served alongside modern preparations influenced by world cuisines.
summershackrestaurant.com/ & https://www.facebook.com/JWSummerShack/
The Modern Butcher – 226 Merrimac St, Newburyport, MA
Whole Animal Butcher Shop. Locally Sourced. Pasture Raised. Tues-Fri 11-5 Sat.11-4 Closed Sunday and Monday.
Themodernbutchershop.com/ & https://www.facebook.com/themodernbutchershop
Woodstock Inn Brewery – 135 MAIN STREET, NORTH WOODSTOCK, NH
New Hampshire’s Premier Brewery* Ten Time Best Of NH Winner. Visit us to discover why so many “Come to Play, Plan To Stay!”
woodstockinnbrewery.com/ & @woodstockinnbrewery
The Feast of St. Anthony
Saint Anthony’s Feast has been celebrated in the North End of Boston since 1919 and has become the largest Italian Religious Festival in New England
Stanthonysfeast.com/schedule.html & https://www.facebook.com/StAnthonysFeast
