It’s just a few days before New Year’s Eve and it’s time for our annual TOP Chinese Restaurant Show. Call-in and tell us your favorite spot (comment on LIVE FEED). 888-434-6464

It’s just a few days before New Year’s Eve and it’s time for our annual TOP Chinese Restaurant Show. Call-in and tell us your favorite spot (comment on LIVE FEED). 888-434-6464
We have open phone lines for you to call. Simple question – if you received a holiday gift card to a restaurant which place would be the top on your list? And, you could win for dinner calling in 888-434-6464.
#holiday #christmas #dining #restaurant #supportsmallbusinesses
Talking food, food and more food on today’s show. Special Guests include Sal Lupoli of Sal’s Pizza and the new 34 Park. Plus, the Mad Fisherman – Charlie Moore and the South Street Diner. #diner #charliemoore #madfishermen #salspizza
Wicked Bites Radio supporting the restaurant industry! On today’s show we are looking for the world’s best Clam Chowda – write in your favorite place (tag). In addition in the first hour – Lynn Eats and Drinks, Thwaites Market in Methuen and The Grill Next Door in Haverhill. Hour two – Holden Produce delivering restaurant quality produce to your home and with every $75 or more spent get free, speedy shipping, plus a 22” Balsam Holiday Reef (order before 12/18/20 while supplies last – visit their website for all the details). And, in the third hour Rare Coins of NH.